Exhibition No. 3


Victoria Wallace

Bio / Artist Statement

Victoria Wallace is an acrylic, encaustic, mixed media visual artist, and art educator. Toronto-born and now living in Burlington, Ontario, her work is shown in galleries in Toronto, Mississauga, Peterborough, Haliburton, Warkworth, in festivals, solo, and group exhibitions across Ontario.

“I see myself as a realist gone awry, with my conceptual artistic ventures hovering somewhere between surrealistic narratives and that of magic realism, which paints a realistic view of the world while also adding magical elements, often blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. This frees me to indulge myself in my paintings with my passions for interior and exterior settings, animals, nature, and so on. My preferred painting media are acrylic and encaustic, often combining dry media, such as Conté, pastels, charcoal, graphite, coloured pencils, water soluble drawing media, crayons, but also including oil paints and sticks, ink, archival markers, Washi, collage elements, mica, and more.”

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