

Sharing the talents and creativity Of Local artists

Artists Apply here

Current Exhibition

Hamilton Technology Centre
Art at Seven Innovation

Our Exhibitions

Our exhibitions run in a rotating cycle lasting almost four months each. Two exhibitions a year showcase the work of local-area artists in the beautiful atrium of the Hamilton Technology Centre at 7 Innovation Drive in Dundas.

We are happy and proud to provide this space for established and emerging local artists to show their work and make new connections.

Each exhibition launches with a special opening reception where artists, family, friends, and the community can get together to meet, chat, and enjoy the best of what our local talent has to offer while enjoying refreshments and live music.

Artwork accepted into the exhibitions runs through a process curated by volunteer jurors and is open to 2-D artists from the greater Hamilton area.

If you are an artist, we invite you to join us by submitting your work to our next call for submissions.

Our current exhibition runs from February 8, 2024 to June 5, 2024 and is open to the public during normal Hamilton Technology Centre hours.

If you missed our opening reception on Thursday, March 7th,  take a peek at the fun that was had!

All of us with Art at Seven Innovation, Artefact Social, and the Hamilton Technology Centre want to thank you for your interest and being a part of Exhibition No. 3, as always, it's a pleasure! 

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Check the box to also receive reminders and updates aimed at artists. Eg. You'll receive reminders and notices of when Calls for Submissions open and close, art pickup and drop-off nights, and special artist events...

Getting to know you
Hi there!
1/3: Tell us about yourself
Please help us improve our events and offerings by completing this questionnaire.

1) Have you attended one of our exhibitions?*

Clear selection

2) Have you attended one of our opening receptions?*

Clear selection

3) Are you an artist or art lover?*

Clear selection

4) How did you find out about us?*

Clear selection
2/3: More about you

1) Which range includes your age?*

Clear selection

2) How would you describe your gender identity?*

Clear selection

3) Marital status*

Clear selection

4) What is your location?*

Clear selection
Part 3/3: Education and Work

1) What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?*

Clear selection

2) Which of the following categories best describes the industry you primarily work or worked in?*

Clear selection

3) Which of the following best describes your role in industry?*

Clear selection