For Artists


Everything you need to know about our exhibitions

Artists Apply here

Current Exhibition

Hamilton Technology Centre
Art at Seven Innovation

Why enter

As an artist, seeking out opportunities to display your work and increase your visibility is crucial. Artefact Social and the Hamilton Technology Centre (HTC), located at 7 Innovation Drive, provide a venue for artists to connect with a wider audience through its Art at Seven Innovation (AASI) program. Click to learn more about Artefact Social and the HTC.

How to enter

Entry is open to emerging, mid-career or established artists living in the greater Hamilton area.

During the open call for submissions, we invite you to submit your entry through our online form.

Eligibility Map











Exhibition No. 4 • Aug 15 - Dec 18

EXHIBITION No. 4 runs from Aug 15 – Dec 18, 2024
DROP-OFF NIGHT: Thursday, Aug 8, 2024, 4 PM – 6:30 PM
OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, Sept 12, 2024 7 PM – 9 PM
All are welcome and we look forward to another fun evening, so mark your calendars!
PICK-UP DATE: Thursday, Dec 19, 2024, 4 PM – 6:30 PM


Check back once the next Call for Submissions opens.

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The details…

Artwork Requirements

Artwork submission details

  • Types of Art
  • Artwork Value
  • Artwork Size
  • Permitted Mediums
  • Labelling Artwork
  • Hanging methods

Mediums Accepted

2-D artwork only at this time

  • Digital Art (No AI)
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • More…

Image Submissions

Specs required of entries

  • File Format

  • File Naming

  • Image DPI

  • Image Size

  • Image Quality

  • Submission Limit

Drop-off / Pick-up

Drop-off and pickup of artwork always happens at the same time on a Thursday. Be sure to follow our artwork requirements to help ensure that you are prepared and the process goes smoothly.

Artist Bios

The artist bio is written in the THIRD-PERSON and should give us some background information about you and your art practice. If you are including a short statement, write that portion in the first-person and use quotation marks. It’s best not to be too specific about the artwork you are submitting since it is possible that only one of two submitted pieces will be selected.

Keep in mind that it is this bio/statement that we use for the artist web pages, wall labels, and social media posts. The character limit for your bio/statement is 1000.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting artwork to our calls for submissions, the artist agrees to, and must abide by, the terms and conditions as outlined on our site.

Be sure to read the this document and if you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Selection Process & Notification

The selection process will take place during the two weeks after the exhibition’s call-for-submissions closing deadline. The jurying process is conducted by volunteer jurors chosen from our community as well as fellow artists.

All artists who have submitted applications will be notified of their acceptance status by email shortly after this two-week process – whether they have been accepted or not.

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