Exhibition No. 5


Ron Wilkie

Bio / Artist Statement

Ron Wilkie is an award-winning graphic designer with over 40 years in the corporate art world. Once a promising illustrator, he switched to a more practical career in graphic arts. The illustrative talents were left behind, while he obtained professional designations from the Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario (RGD) and Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (MGDC) in graphic design. He participated on local, national, and international judging panels for creative excellence and chaired the Advertising Creative Excellence Awards for 10 years.

People compare his works to those of Tom Thompson and others to Monet, regardless he just hopes people enjoy them.

Loving nature and the natural beauty of our great country Ron’s paintings are a little bit of self-indulgence. Creating images, (using his graphics background to create images) that challenging his creative skills he enjoys painting them.

He hopes that others simply enjoy them as much as his collectors do.

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