Exhibition No. 1


Dianne Twombly

Bio / Artist Statement

I am a Hamilton-based visual artist whose digital assemblages explore themes of decay, renewal and cycles of life and death in both natural and constructed environments. I digitally deconstruct the urban landscapes I photograph and reimagine the relics in more expansive dream-inspired multi-level landscapes (or “dreamscapes”) in which urban artefacts balance precariously among uncertain shadows and perspectives. In digitally reconstructing these liminal but once vibrant spaces into expansive dreamscapes, I invite the viewer to look more closely at the many layers—both seen and unseen—of the human spaces we occupy and to see within them a world of new possibilities.

I hold BA and MSW degrees from the University of Toronto as well as a certificate in Dynamic Media from the (now defunct) Center for Electronic Art in San Francisco. I am presently completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at York University in Toronto.

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