Exhibition No. 1


Monique Campbell

Bio / Artist Statement

Monique Campbell’s raison d’être for creating is to mirror back to people the extraordinary world that she encounters. She captures moments in time that most people pass by without noticing and take for granted. A compelling photo in her eyes is one that lingers in the minds of viewers because of its emotive quality and light expressed. As such, the Hamilton photographer’s chosen genre of art is humanist street photography.

Her soulful images reflect a personal story and allows others to identify with their own narratives. Ideally, she hopes to encourage people to be more empathetic and compassionate with one another while realizing that everyone has a story they may not have heard.

Monique’s passion for always striving to find a storytelling moment shines through in her images. They have been and continue to be exhibited, published, and collected both domestically in Canada and internationally.

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